​Isn’t hard to believe when you are consistently bombarded with so many obstacles and challenges that the universe is there to support you?


You might think to yourself, “With all of these obstacles? Clearly, the universe is not supporting me…!”


Have you ever asked yourself if the things you desire are in line with your higher self? Sometimes we want things that are not in line with our highest good and instead of being supportive of our healthy habits we find so many supportive sources in society that help bring out our least healthy desires.


Sometimes, due to our past experiences of pain and heartache that we have experienced throughout our lives we don’t realize that we are perpetuating an energetic cycle of these experiences that we have outgrown. It can be really hard to shed ourselves of the self identity that society has taught us belong to us and step into our purest autonomous self.


Ultimately, each one of us have a unique purpose and set of desires that are in line with our highest self that is continually connected to the universe, but how do we tune-in?


How can we reach past the noise and static of our daily lives and habitual desires to connect with the abundant energetic flow of the universe?


Do you trust the universe to bring to you only those things that will help you master and attain your highest goals? Do you know that both good and bad experiences serve a purpose to slowly pick away at our divine light to reveal our illuminated souls?


Take a chance…love & accept yourself for who you are and all you have experienced so that you can fall into the energetic flow of your abundant universal good & highest attainment….


Let go of all the things you know and understand to be who you are and embrace the possibility of an ever growing version of yourself even the version of yourself that you desire to be most dominant but believe you cannot become….


Trust in the universal plan for your life, no matter how turbulent the seas of change may be, & release those things and people that are not helping you grow so that true love and higher connections can become your reality.

Post Info

Da Cane
March 15, 2019
10:48 AM

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