Updated: Apr 12, 2019

The trials of our day do not always leave us with the space to recognize the longing that lies deep within our spirits.


We often go to sleep and have a deep subconscious longing for something and often this comes up in our dream world because we are unable to access it in our waking life.


What a powerful way of manifesting our desires! If we ever believe that we are incapable of having the things that we ultimately desire, the very fact that the longing inside of our spirit causes us to dream about that very thing we desire shines light on our infinite ability to fulfill those things we want the most in life by any means necessary.


Our dreams really are a manifestation of the things that are most important to us and they reveal the energies that are at play within our psyche.


Now, that does not mean that all of our dreams are these deeply resonating meaningful tools to help us navigate our daily lives. Sometimes, we just dream about the things we spend the most time doing whether it is watching tv or spending times with our fluffy pets.


But, for those times when it is not a repeat of our regular mundane lives intercepting our dreaming experience, we awake with a deeper sense of knowing and a determination that propels us because we feel that it is vital to understand why this dream has left us with a rooted lingering feeling throughout our waking moments.


For some of us we travel to the places and times in both our future and past lives and recall them as deja-vu when we encounter these exact experiences in our future. We do have dreams that reveal our clairvoyant capacities in this regard. And often our spirit needs the confirmation that we are doing the right things at the right time and in the right place with the right people. These types of dreams offer that kind of solace.


Sometimes our dreams reveal our deepest fears and anxieties while at the same time revealing our power and offering us the opportunity to provide lasting release from conquering these fears.


Each dream serves a role that is unique to our spiritual purpose and evolution and there are many different keys and details that are necessary to help you unlock those nighttime revelations.

Post Info

Da Cane
April 5, 2019
10:48 AM

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