I am all about healing. When I find myself alone my thoughts go up to the universe in an attempt to heal myself and those around me.


There is nothing greater than being blessed with an opportunity and an ability to grace someone’s life with the deeply profound healing that they have been seeking. So, I write, I search, I seek to provide change. I seek people who are in search of something genuine, something that has the power to reflect the true essences of their divine selves back to them.


I have been hurt in many ways by many people and, like you, I know we must find a way to press on and to give birth to ourselves all over again, to redeliver time and time again with that same fervor and passion that has been damaged and bruised.


Healing in this manner should not be private. We should never forget to help and heal others because the pain will only continue. So, I write, I search, I seek to provide healing. I send up prayers and spiritual works to relinquish the generational cycles of pain here in my own little space I have created for those that are seeking too.


Society does not offer us a space, at times, to be our genuine selves without ridicule, categorical displacing, and shaming. Still, our healing should not be private. Those that seek to shame us while we attempt to heal should be shamed themselves for perpetuating the endless cycle.


Our healing is a requirement to fulfilling our spiritual purposes. Sharing our personal experience of healing is what helps us all become the best version of our self. Without it we become stagnated as a collective in our pain. It is a time for healing and blessings to abound, so I write, I search, I seek to provide a lasting change that has the ability to heal us all one at a time.

Post Info

Da Cane
April 12, 2019
10:48 AM

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